Sunday, September 16, 2012

Learning, Teaching and Thinking with ICT Module 1 - Activity1 Reflection

There is so much information contained in this activity. however, the most most powerful lessons surrounded the need to move away from the old paradigm that learning fits within a particular structure to one where the student plays a great part in his own learning and that the teacher's role has to be changed to that of a facilitator.

I discovered that learning is described as a change in mental associations and behavior due to experiences.  All learners can learn, are willing to learn and have the ability to learn if teachers would utilize the learners’ experiences (social and cognitive) and the outcomes expected to design appropriate methodologies for the transfer of knowledge. Note that learning takes place in different ways such as:
 - observing and imitating behaviour,
 - via experiences,
 - interaction with others,
 - memorizing, and 
 - asking questions

It is also important to realize that learning is voluntary as well as involuntary. Hence the need to move to the new paradigm principles of learning where the learner is very much involved in the creation of the learning environment. After all he is responsible for his own learning. He just needs the opportunity and environment in which to do so.

I really believe that if we would all take this new knowledge to heart and seek to put these things into practice, we would reduce the levels of "failure" and instead encourage students to strive for greater success.

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