Sunday, December 2, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 12 Reflection

Wow! This is basically the end of Module 1. It has been quite a thought-provoking module focussing on the improvements/changes we need to make in order to give each learner a fair chance of achieving some level of success. It has been quite a journey and I would hope that the participants utilize the knowledge and skills gained to improve the teaching and learning environment in their various institutions. I know I will. I also want to thank all the participants for the collaboration and sharing of ideas. We all learnt quite a lot from each other.

Activity 12 has certainly caused me to reflect seriously on my teaching and how necessary it is to allow learners to find solutions to problems/issues. Learners must be given the opportunity to analyse situations and be a part of the solutions. The critical thinking skills developed will help them to deal with situations later in life. This in my opinion is a lesson that teaches life skills. My teaching style will definitely change as a result. As educators we must adopt the methodologies necessary to provide for the varying abilities of our students by making our classrooms more student-centred.

Module 1 - Activity 11 Reflection

More often than not I think that contrasting will always lead to questions being asked by students. It is so very important to encourage questioning so that students can discover things for themselves. This type of learning will provide lasting memories in the minds of the students. I would hope that teachers in general allow for discovery among their students, give them a chance to experience things for themselves. It will make for more exciting, quality lessons and encourage greater participation among learners. I certainly intend to make greater use of this concept in my teaching.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 10 Reflection

It is crucial to manage any discussion in the classroom in order to ensure that students stay on task and get the most out of the exercise. In this activity I quite liked the ideas put forward in terms of utilizing appropriate strategies to encourage discussion among my students and ultimately self-learning. I can see how the strategy of playing devil's advocate will open the door for much thinking about the issue at hand, sharing of ideas through discussion and even some level of problem-solving. Even though I have been using this strategy for a while, I have learnt of other ways to make my classes much more interactive and hence improve the level of learning in the classroom.

Module 1 - Activity 9 Reflection

WoW! This activity was certainly an eye-opener. Many of us educators have been using question in the classroom without much thought to the types of question that will encourage students to think seriously and logically. I have learnt of the importance of asking more open-ended questions to generate higher-order thinking, more structured discussion, sharing of ideas and practices, and peer teaching to some extent. Personally, I have not been giving my students enough time to formulate their answers to questions asked.What a flaw that has been! Overall, the knowledge gained in this activity will certainly help to improve my techniques and consequently my lessons, thus giving students the opportunity to be more involved in their own learning and making learning more meaningful. This activity has been the crux of my learning experience.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 8 Reflection

Piaget! Piaget! Piaget! What a brilliant theorist! I have tasted the success that an understanding of the cognitive development of learners can bring. Creating a student-centred classroom environment has many benefits and many more teachers need to take the time to allow students to use their various experiences, competencies and thinking to facilitate discovery learning. Teachers must plan properly for their students' needs and give them the opportunity to attain their highest potential.  They must vary their strategies, the learning tools, assessment tools and provide an enabling environment for discovery learning.

Moreover, teachers must also assess their lessons and reflect on the strengths and weaknesses. In this way, they can become better teachers/facilitators helping their students to better cope with their individual levels of   "assimilation", "accommodation" and "equilibration". I have been changed. I now have a more solid foundation on which to build my teaching career.

Module 1 - Activity 7 Reflection

Vygotsky's theory of cooperative learning is certainly one that if planned well and implemented properly can bear much fruit. Every member of a group producing his/her share of the task which will contribute to the overall task will certainly lay the foundation for meaningful discussions, clarity of ideas, great interaction, team work and a level of trust among the participants. The rewards to be gained are many. as such, it is essential that teachers in the classroom seek to engage their students fully to ensure quality learning. I will certainly try to use more of the skills I have learnt in this module to my teaching or should I say facilitating of learning.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 6 Reflection

The information contained in the readings are so true. Many of us go through the internalisation process totally unaware of what is happening. I, for one, engage in self-conversation often in which a situation is verbalised out loud. This has helped me to clarify my thoughts and make certain decisions. Now I understand that I am not losing my sanity but engaging in what Vygotsky describes as "internalisation".

In addition, I do believe that teachers need to guide students' learning by giving them more opportunities for discussion in class and not just written work. Discussion is important to sharing of ideas and clarifying of thoughts and understanding. We must accept, as educators, that all children can learn. We just need to "mediate" the learning process.