Sunday, December 2, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 12 Reflection

Wow! This is basically the end of Module 1. It has been quite a thought-provoking module focussing on the improvements/changes we need to make in order to give each learner a fair chance of achieving some level of success. It has been quite a journey and I would hope that the participants utilize the knowledge and skills gained to improve the teaching and learning environment in their various institutions. I know I will. I also want to thank all the participants for the collaboration and sharing of ideas. We all learnt quite a lot from each other.

Activity 12 has certainly caused me to reflect seriously on my teaching and how necessary it is to allow learners to find solutions to problems/issues. Learners must be given the opportunity to analyse situations and be a part of the solutions. The critical thinking skills developed will help them to deal with situations later in life. This in my opinion is a lesson that teaches life skills. My teaching style will definitely change as a result. As educators we must adopt the methodologies necessary to provide for the varying abilities of our students by making our classrooms more student-centred.

Module 1 - Activity 11 Reflection

More often than not I think that contrasting will always lead to questions being asked by students. It is so very important to encourage questioning so that students can discover things for themselves. This type of learning will provide lasting memories in the minds of the students. I would hope that teachers in general allow for discovery among their students, give them a chance to experience things for themselves. It will make for more exciting, quality lessons and encourage greater participation among learners. I certainly intend to make greater use of this concept in my teaching.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 10 Reflection

It is crucial to manage any discussion in the classroom in order to ensure that students stay on task and get the most out of the exercise. In this activity I quite liked the ideas put forward in terms of utilizing appropriate strategies to encourage discussion among my students and ultimately self-learning. I can see how the strategy of playing devil's advocate will open the door for much thinking about the issue at hand, sharing of ideas through discussion and even some level of problem-solving. Even though I have been using this strategy for a while, I have learnt of other ways to make my classes much more interactive and hence improve the level of learning in the classroom.

Module 1 - Activity 9 Reflection

WoW! This activity was certainly an eye-opener. Many of us educators have been using question in the classroom without much thought to the types of question that will encourage students to think seriously and logically. I have learnt of the importance of asking more open-ended questions to generate higher-order thinking, more structured discussion, sharing of ideas and practices, and peer teaching to some extent. Personally, I have not been giving my students enough time to formulate their answers to questions asked.What a flaw that has been! Overall, the knowledge gained in this activity will certainly help to improve my techniques and consequently my lessons, thus giving students the opportunity to be more involved in their own learning and making learning more meaningful. This activity has been the crux of my learning experience.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 8 Reflection

Piaget! Piaget! Piaget! What a brilliant theorist! I have tasted the success that an understanding of the cognitive development of learners can bring. Creating a student-centred classroom environment has many benefits and many more teachers need to take the time to allow students to use their various experiences, competencies and thinking to facilitate discovery learning. Teachers must plan properly for their students' needs and give them the opportunity to attain their highest potential.  They must vary their strategies, the learning tools, assessment tools and provide an enabling environment for discovery learning.

Moreover, teachers must also assess their lessons and reflect on the strengths and weaknesses. In this way, they can become better teachers/facilitators helping their students to better cope with their individual levels of   "assimilation", "accommodation" and "equilibration". I have been changed. I now have a more solid foundation on which to build my teaching career.

Module 1 - Activity 7 Reflection

Vygotsky's theory of cooperative learning is certainly one that if planned well and implemented properly can bear much fruit. Every member of a group producing his/her share of the task which will contribute to the overall task will certainly lay the foundation for meaningful discussions, clarity of ideas, great interaction, team work and a level of trust among the participants. The rewards to be gained are many. as such, it is essential that teachers in the classroom seek to engage their students fully to ensure quality learning. I will certainly try to use more of the skills I have learnt in this module to my teaching or should I say facilitating of learning.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 6 Reflection

The information contained in the readings are so true. Many of us go through the internalisation process totally unaware of what is happening. I, for one, engage in self-conversation often in which a situation is verbalised out loud. This has helped me to clarify my thoughts and make certain decisions. Now I understand that I am not losing my sanity but engaging in what Vygotsky describes as "internalisation".

In addition, I do believe that teachers need to guide students' learning by giving them more opportunities for discussion in class and not just written work. Discussion is important to sharing of ideas and clarifying of thoughts and understanding. We must accept, as educators, that all children can learn. We just need to "mediate" the learning process.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 5 Reflection

Something I have learnt over time and something I would like to see implemented in all classrooms across Antigua & Barbuda is that teachers/educators would take the time to get to know their students; get to understand the learning differences among the students in class and what motivates them to learn. Then and only then can teachers plan adequately for the students, catering to the diversities in development. Remember, each child is an individual with his/her own characteristics, personality, abilities, thought processes, learning style - all of which are determined by their environments. As such, it is important that teachers/educators learn to care about each child in the class, thereby gaining his/her trust which will facilitate the learning process. We need to demonstrate to each child that we care and are interest in their achievements.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 4 Reflection

Wow! Activity 4 has been a life-changing experience. As teachers we think we are doing the right thing. The information gleaned in the readings for this activity has caused me to reflect on my teaching effectiveness. It outlines the principles of learning that should be modelled in every classroom across the world. I am so enthralled, my brain is ticking. We have much to do to make our classrooms a pleasant place to be; a place where learning is more meaningful to both student and teacher; where students are encouraged to excel, to achieve their fullest potential. We must now make these perspectives of/approaches to learning the guidelines of our teaching career.

The most powerful lesson I learnt is that teaching/learning can never be successfully achieved unless we build on the students prior experiences and motivate them to want to achieve. Learners' interpretations of concepts may be very different due to their background; behaviours are exhibited as a result of their levels of understanding of what is going in the classroom. I am convinced that if we take the time to 'know' our students, we will have a better opportunity of educating them not just for the present but for the future.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 3 Reflection

Observational learning is a major process in the classroom. teachers need to observe the reaction of the students to determine if there is a need change the teaching methodology in order to gain/regain their attention. Make learning fun and relative to the experiences of the students to assist them in the retention of concepts. Be sure to include feedback in a reasonable time, praise students where necessary and assist others along the way as needed. In this way we can be assured that as learning takes place, students will be encouraged to produce more. As has been discussed by the group, these changes are vital to the success of the students and ability of the teacher to transfer knowledge.

How many teachers know the names of their students by the end of the first week of class? Use a game to find out, pay attention to responses and retain the information accordingly. The personal touch will always create a better learning environment. One can motivate students not only through positive feedback but also through modeling of the behaviours expected. Demonstrate to students that you are human just like they are,  and that you are genuinely interested in their achievements. These are my experiences which have been successful time and time again. Not all students will achieve as we would want, but modeling the behaviours expected will leave only a very narrow margin for failure.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Module 1 - Activity 2 Reflection

A  few things stand out from the interaction derived from Activity 2. If learning is to be achieved it is important to:

  • know what experiences each child brings to the classroom - This is important to design the lessons to be taught.
  • relate the concepts being taught to the experiences of the children. This is a sure way to help them retain the information delivered
  • help students to understand themselves and their way of thinking and learning.
  • focus more on the students' learning and not solely on completing the syllabus. Taking a child from one level to the next can be considered learning and achievement
Yes, there is still great emphasis placed on academic achievement, but little by little managers and policy makers are realizing the need to cater to the individual needs of the students and not solely on the syllabus to be covered. Change does not take place overnight. It is a process and it is up to us as educators to effect that change. Every little step counts.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Learning, Teaching and Thinking with ICT Module 1 - Activity1 Reflection

There is so much information contained in this activity. however, the most most powerful lessons surrounded the need to move away from the old paradigm that learning fits within a particular structure to one where the student plays a great part in his own learning and that the teacher's role has to be changed to that of a facilitator.

I discovered that learning is described as a change in mental associations and behavior due to experiences.  All learners can learn, are willing to learn and have the ability to learn if teachers would utilize the learners’ experiences (social and cognitive) and the outcomes expected to design appropriate methodologies for the transfer of knowledge. Note that learning takes place in different ways such as:
 - observing and imitating behaviour,
 - via experiences,
 - interaction with others,
 - memorizing, and 
 - asking questions

It is also important to realize that learning is voluntary as well as involuntary. Hence the need to move to the new paradigm principles of learning where the learner is very much involved in the creation of the learning environment. After all he is responsible for his own learning. He just needs the opportunity and environment in which to do so.

I really believe that if we would all take this new knowledge to heart and seek to put these things into practice, we would reduce the levels of "failure" and instead encourage students to strive for greater success.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Personal Learning Network

Hey guys,

I have created a Twitter account. Why don't you Follow me on Twitter at!/D_Etinoff?
In addition, I am networking on Classroom 2.0 as my other PLN. Check me out at

Reflection - Module 2A-4 Activity 11

Well! Well! Creating a Personal Learning Network is certainly a new concept for me. I discovered a social network site for educators. I intend to develop it and  use it along with my blog for future collaboration with colleagues, students and experts in the field. The whole concept of ICT Integration is becoming more and more exciting. The future of education looks very bright.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Reflection - Module 2A-4 Activity 10

Well! Well! It was quite interesting to read the comments made by the other participants in this course on this activity. One thing is certain, we all agree that any one can be a smart or smarter worker. The technology is available. Perhaps for some the capability may not be present. However, it is to one's benefit to learn as much as possible in order to become more efficient in the workplace. No need to wait for management to suggest training, one must always seek after self-development in order to achieve one's highest potential in life.
Be smart!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Reflection - Module 2A-4 Activity 9

Wow! This was a very interesting activity. It just opens one's eyes to the varying quality (or lack thereof) of information available on the internet. There are some persons who believe that as long as the information  is on the internet, it can be used. However, we have all learnt that what you see is not always what you want. One must learn to evaluate the content and quality of a website before accepting the information available. This is a valuable lesson that must be taught to our students.

Reflection - Module 2A-4 Activity 7

Whether it is a classroom with one computer or many computers, using spreadsheets to enhance the relevant lesson will prove very beneficial to the quality of teaching and learning. It is therefore vital that schools secure the necessary equipment in order to improve the learning environment. Teachers too must educate/develop themselves accordingly so that they can make the classroom a place where students are eager to learn.

Reflection - Module 2A-4 -Activity 8

The lesson using spreadsheets was quite a simple way of incorporating the concept into the lesson activity. I do believe that once teachers take the time to plan their lessons properly, this will awaken great interest on the part of the students. Consequently, this will generate much enjoyment and learning during and after the session.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Reflection - Module 2A-4 Activity 6

This activity is a very simple one especially for me. I have been using excel for quite a while, so I am very familiar with the requirements of this activity. I especially liked the idea of experimenting with the fonts and background colours. I think it will go a long way in making classes more interesting for students and will play a part in maintaining their attention. We should all endeavour to utilize the technology available to us to reach those whom we are mandated to educate.

Hello activity - CCTI

Hello to all my CCTI colleagues. Welcome once again to another session of our modules. I certainly hope that we will have a good session especially now that we have experienced what this course of study is all about. Here's hoping for a pleasant, successful session.